I just realized I commented on the wrong (if you will) post. Your paranoia is drug induced, it is real for you, it is not stupid! Be gentle with yourself. I think you have real courage for going thru this, & wanting to 'fight the boogeyman' No running & hiding for you. That is way cool!
I agree with the above comment. I'm coming up on 7 years sobriety in another month or so. You're doing great. Just take it one day at a time...one hour at a time...1 minute at a time. Whatever you need to do. Be well.
I am 26 year old female whose got a five month old adorable baby boy and a baby daddy in jail. I am a college graduate who LOVED to party. I have a sick sense of humor, I talk really loud and fast and have made the decision to stop drinking everyday and get sober for real. Wish me luck!
I just realized I commented on the wrong (if you will) post.
Your paranoia is drug induced, it is real for you, it is not stupid! Be gentle with yourself. I think you have real courage for going thru this, & wanting to 'fight the boogeyman' No running & hiding for you. That is way cool!
I agree with the above comment. I'm coming up on 7 years sobriety in another month or so. You're doing great. Just take it one day at a time...one hour at a time...1 minute at a time. Whatever you need to do. Be well.
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